But I am obviously no longer part of the target audience. =) I have been hacking on core code since the fall of 2002 so I am rather removed from being a newbie. What I would love to have people leave a comment on this post about is if there is a specific piece of information that you have found really useful when you have worked on the core code base. And if you never have, what piece of info would you need in order to push you over the edge and into contributing to Python? Please be specific; saying "I don't know where to start" is both generic and a known issue (which I will cover in the tutorial).
I expect I will cover in the tutorial how to:
- Get a checkout of the code
- Coding standards
- Report a bug
- Review a bug
- Create a patch
- Review a patch
- Find stuff in the code base
- Find things to do (issue tracker, increasing code coverage, etc.)
- Tips on how best to develop (probably specific to areas such as the compiler, documentation, etc.)