
My (very shallow) thoughts on Dart

Being the language nerd that I am, I actually find it fun to learn new programming languages. Now typically this is nothing more than me reading all of the official documentation and writing some toy examples that give me a very shallow, quick-and-dirty feel for a language. Since I have been involved in language design for nearly a decade (started participating on python-dev in June 2002) and have done toy examples now in 18 languages (17 actually still run; I have never bothered to get Forth to work again after a gforth change broke my code), this is actually usually enough for me to grasp the inspirations for a language and thus understand its essence.

At work I have been doing some JavaScript work for an internal Chrome extension and dashboard and so that led me to want to look into what Dart had to offer over JavaScript. I know the language is only at version 0.09 (and still changing weekly), but the fundamentals are there so I wanted to see what the general feel of the language is (and will continue to be).

I also know Dart is somewhat controversial for some people. Personally, I fall on the "competition is good" side of the argument, not the "OMG fragmentation" side. I want ECMAScript Harmony to still happen and give me a cleaner, tighter, more functional JavaScript, but that doesn't mean Dart doesn't have a place in the world as a cleaner OO language for the web. Besides, me thinking otherwise would make me a massive hypocrite as I began working on Python before it was cool (I feel like I need a hipster meme for that statement, but I digress) and I have worked hard to convert people to Python from other languages. Hell, I have tried to foster competition between the Python VMs to get them to push each other to perform better and be ever more interoperable. IOW I don't totally buy this fragmentation argument.

Going into learning Dart I knew who was involved with the language which is what will inherently define how a language feels. I knew Lars Bak of V8 helped design the language, which meant it would have some design restrictions put on it to make it have a damn fast VM. Josh Bloch has been helping to design Dart's library which meant some JDK feel to it. I also know Jim Hugunin is involved which should also help with the VM speed. So fast with an API designed like the JDK.

What did I find? A language with a damn fast VM and a standard library that felt like the JDK. =) Take OO as a Python programmer would expect (e.g. pure OO where everything is an object, not dogmatic OO like Java where everything has to be in an class definition), make types entirely optional for testing and tooling purposes but enough support to use interfaces and generics, and then toss in abilities based on what JavaScript allows and then you have a good idea of what Dart offers.

So, Dart has optional typing. In case you have not heard, Dart does not use type information at runtime for performance and only throws any form of fit if a type doesn't match what is specified unless you run in checked mode. If you do that then you get warnings about possible type issues. But Dart's type system is unsound so don't expect typing to catch every error that a more strict type system might even when you run in checked mode. Dart views types as helpful documentation and a way to help tools assist with things, period. I actually find it rather refreshing to have a language that treats types as just documentation since that is really what they are for the programmer (VMs can use it for performance, but it isn't required for good performance and type safety only saves you from a minor set of bugs which every Python programmer probably realizes eventually =).

But that's even if you bother with types! You can write all of your code without types and everything will run without issue. Even generics are optional, so you can declare a function accepts a List or List; Dart doesn't care either way and it alleviates covariance/contravariance headaches by not caring if you don't care either. It's actually rather nice to have non-library code be written quickly using dynamic typing and only add in the type information for library code where you care about what interface is expected. IOW I think Dart strike a nice balance with how it does typing and I actually feel fine using types when I know what I expect to accept in my own code that I don't expect anyone else to rely upon.

Dart is OO, not prototypical like JavaScript. It's single-inheritance, which I'm fine with. It does have interfaces as one would expect in a statically typed language, but it softens their expense by allowing one to define a default implementation of an interface. What this means is that the Map interface will also give you a HashMap instance if you call new Map(). I suspect they snagged the idea from Scala  where you have the Map class which hides HashMap from the user if you simply don't care about what Map implementation you use.

It does have a modicum of privacy by using a leading underscore for signaling something is private, much like Python. But the privacy is enforced at the library-level or is public, period. Every field automatically has a getter and setter defined for them, so there is no way to force a private field (which I think is a good thing since I find private privacy bloody annoying). I also like that getters and setters are directly supported by the language with automatic generation show you don't ever have to see a setSomething()/getSomething() function call just to read/write a field, but you can do something like Python's properties very easily.

The standard libraries are fine and just feel like the JDK. Things are very much LBYL rather than EAFP. I am willing to bet (although I have not tested this) that exceptions are a little expensive in Dart (since exceptions are hard to optimize) and so they would rather go the LBYL way. But they still went a little overboard in my opinion on some things (e.g. the list interface has a last() method instead of supporting negative indexes). But there is nothing there that is making me run away screaming.

One place I do think Dart could use some improvement is simplifying their constructor rules. Upfront Dart has some nice syntactic sugar for a construction where you directly specify how a constructor's arguments map to instance fields, avoiding having to declare the constructor parameters and then also write an assignment. OK, I like that.

Dart also has initializer lists which let you initialize final fields. OK, that's cool and a nice idea taken from C++.

Constructors are not inherited. OK, that's fine since you probably want to be explicit about how you tweak stuff. But there is an exception about the default, no-argument constructor calling the superclass' no-argument constructor. So while not technically inherited, it might as well be in that single instance. And all defined constructors will automatically call the default constructor, which if it isn't defined you must explicitly call a constructor somehow (probably in the initializer list of your constructor). Um, OK...

And you have named constructors. This gets you around from the lack of type-based method overloading for constructors. OK, I can go with that.

You also have constant constructors since fields can only be initialized to compile-constant values. Fine, that's for performance and determinism in instance creation, so I can grasp the desire for that.

And then you have factory constructors. OK, this is where I go "WTF people". This is so that you can have a constructor that actually doesn't create a new instance but instead can return something else other than a new instance (think of Python's __new__() or any of Java's static factory methods). But this lets you use the new keyword on a factory constructor instead of using a static method. And that to me seems unneeded.

So lets recap what constructor options we have. We have regular constructors, default and defined, which supports initialize lists. You have named constructors. There are constant constructors. And you also have factory constructors. If you don't count the default constructor as special that means Dart has four types of constructors. WTF!?! I realize that Java's FactoryFactoryOfFactories crap has probably spooked the crap out of the Dart designers, all the while having Java influences making them think they need the new keyword for anything that would return an instance of a class, but this seems a bit much. Dart's function definitions are rich enough to allow for optional arguments, etc. which would suggest that the typical constructor can do the job of named constructors with static methods picking up the slack where absolutely necessary where factory constructors are used. Maybe I'm missing something here, but I think they tried to design for everything that is bad about Java's constructor mess without stopping to think what their function definitions already buy them, all while making sure the new keyword was used.

Luckily that is the only bit of Dart that I found poorly designed. Everything else is reasonable and something any JavaScript programmer will be somewhat familiar with or quickly grasp.

Now as I said, I only did toy examples in Dart beyond reading the docs from beginning to end. If I had more time this weekend I may have done one more coding example that was more involved, but I ran out of time. But based on what I have read and what I learned, I am happy with Dart and would be content in using it for programming for the Internet. I would also be totally happy being asked to use it in a situation where others wanted to use types (e.g. I would be fine ditching Java for Dart if people really felt the need to hold on to their types).