
PyCon 2012 CFP ends in a month!

The title says it all: the CFP for PyCon 2012 ends in a month, so you should seriously start thinking about getting those proposals in! As I say every year, you do not need to be a Python celebrity or  have presented previously in order to get a talk accepted. Having been on the PC from the beginning of PyCon I can tell you that we very happily give slots to people we have never heard of. As long as your proposal shows you are organized and your topic is interesting your talk will be  given a serious chance for acceptance.

And sorry about the lack of posts. My Python free time is limited at the moment as most free time is spent talking with my wife over a G+ Hangout thanks to US immigration perpetually dragging their feet, keeping her in Toronto and me in SF and causing general misery spread across the continent. That means what little time I do have I spend on trying to get importlib bootstrapped (which you can follow in my sandbox/bcannon repo in the bootstrap_importlib branch) instead of blogging. But once the bootstrapping is done (or I come up with some rather clever thing) I will do a technical post.