In case someone who reads my blog has not noticed the announcement, PyCon 2008 registration is open! Hotel reservations are also open (and I will be looking for a roommate or three for Thursday night through Wednesday, March 19, so if you are interested in splitting a room please email me). Lastly, financial aide is available.
This should be a great conference. The venue sounds great from what everyone on the organizers committee has been saying. Plus being within travel distance of Chicago will be great.
The list of talks is also good again this year. You will notice that yours truly is listed top of the list thanks to being the second person to submit a proposal. =)
And like every year, I will be sprinting on the core. And like most years, I will be the sprint coach for the core as well. But this year I am going to prioritize being a sprint coach over being a sprinter. That way I can help get more people involved in sprinting and working on the core.
In fact, it looks like I will be giving a tutorial on Sunday evening on coding and sprinting for the core. So even if you are not sprinting but are interested on helping out with the core, come by the tutorial. And if you are interested in possibly sprinting in 2009, come see what the sprints are like to help you make a decision.
Anyway, if you do go to PyCon (haven't you registered yet? Early bird ends Feb. 20), feel free to say hi to me if you spot me. One of the great things about PyCon is getting to meet nice, interesting people from the community.