
Python todo list now a permanent part of my blog

I just added to my blog in the right sidebar a todo list of what I have on my python-dev plate. Anything with a trailing ellipsis means that it is the first step in a larger project (e.g., locking down the issue tracker transition date then leads to making sure the transition doc is good, doing the transition, etc.).

It is in priority order. The Py3K stuff might seem rather high, but if we are going to hit a June alpha I need to get that stuff taken care of. Luckily a lot of the high-priority stuff is high because it is dirt simple and can be done in 15 minutes once I have my laptop back from the shop.

If people ever have questions about an item on my todo list or want to help, feel free to email me.
Hopefully I can keep the list updated so I can be relatively transparent about what I am supposedly working on and what they can expect out of me.