
PyCon, day 2

Unlike yesterday, I actually paid attention to some talks. =) Guido's keynote was good, although he covered what is going to be in Python 2.5 which I all know about so it was not as entertaining for me personally as previous keynotes. But he did personally thank me for sticking it out for PEP 352 after the whole PEP 348 fiasco, so that was really nice and cool of him to do.

I went to Jeremy Hylton's AST talk which was very well attended. Not sure if the attendance was from interest with the AST or because not everyone cared about the Zope talk it was up against. =) But people did seem interested, possibly because of Guido's mention of the AST in his keynote. And Jeremy thanked me and several other people for working on getting the AST finished. With two thanks in two separate talks I might actually start to think I am somehow competent or something (and I am only partially kidding in that statement; very humbling to have the people you look up to to thank you publicly for your work).

Then went to Jim Hugunin's IronPython implementation talk. That was interesting to listen to. I always find it interesting to see how people implement languages in various languages since the basics are pretty consistent across language implementations, but vary based on what the language being used for the implementation provides. Looks like Jim and his group have made good design choices in terms of having Python be a good citizen in the CLI.

At lunch I attended my first PSF board meeting. By the end of the meeting I was made chairman of the infrastructure committee (which required that I become a VP of the board).

I skipped the next two blocks of talk because of the board meeting and taking a break. I spent the Eggs talk chatting online with my girlfriend and catching up on email so I was not exactly attentive. =)

The AST BoF didn't get much done concretely, but we did get back feedback. Jeremy led it and asked for people to tell us how they plan to use the AST in terms of concrete examples. Most of them seemed global access to the AST with read-only access. The compiler package also got bagged on some since it is apparently broken for nested scopes and has been since 2.4 . Most likely an AST -> AST transformation function will be written to take Python's AST and go to/from the compiler package's AST since no one wants to bother maintaining the compiler package's entirely separate implementation.

Lightning talks were good. Not quite as entertaining as last year, but I think that has to do with them being held in the ballroom. Last year it was in one of the small rooms and gave a very cozy feel. That feeling allowed the audience to participate more and let the speakers act more at-ease and loose with their five minute presentations. The talks this year seemed more serious (except for the Sussbot talk).

After that was dinner with some folks, hanging out with Raymond Hettinger, and then working on the very rough initial version of my brother's saddle and leather goods company site. Took a while to get the CSS right for the positioning of everything. Have not touched CSS in quite some time. But it was very nice to not put everything in a table for formatting. Very plain (pure text at the moment), but I am glad to just get the colour and general formatting right considering I did it with no Net or books.